Trends We Can't Get Behind

By Carolyn Shields

Trends can be fun, though honestly I’m usually about three years behind them. (Unless we’re talking high school, in which case I was way too hip too early, which marked me as reallllll nerdy. #oversizedsweaters #thickframes #tuckingmytshirtinmyjeans) Howevever, there’s some trends where maybe I just show my age because suddenly I’m an old practical woman, shaking my head and asking, “Why?”

So have some fun with this article and let us know what you think…what are trends that you can’t or can get behind?


Market Net Bags

First off, okay, maybe if it’s filled with avocados and flowers and an antique book, okay. Sure. But if I’m honest, why would I want people seeing the lunchable and snack sized bag of chips I just bought for lunch? Second, wouldn’t things fall out? Or wouldn’t your ring get caught in it?

Arc Lamps

Wouldn’t you hit your head? Doesn’t it take up too much space? It’s like a dangerous limbo game.


Maternity Shoots

I just…like, why? Maybe I get why, but why’s it gotta be so weird? Maybe even more so, anybody else weirded out by weird baby photoshoots? Like, yes, putting on a top hat and wrapping them in wool and posing them as if they’re deep in thought is totally natural.


All White Kitchens

Been there, done that. And it’s the worst idea ever. Sure, let’s go with the color that shows every little piece of dirt in the messiest room of your house. No gracias!



I kill everything I touch. Everything. I bought a plant for my sister last week for Christmas and am praying I don’t kill it by then. But succulents are just…boring.

Trends We Can Get Behind

But we’re not totally practical over here. There are some trends that other people probably scoff at that we love! Such as…

  • That hand-holding-flowers-in-front-of-cute-wall photo. You know the one.

  • Bookcases with backwards books, ie, turning the book pages first and not binding first. #theneutralcolors! (TOTALLY impractical, but pretty)

  • The minimalism trend. #thestewardess

What are some trends from this year that you didn’t like? What are some that you’re all for?


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