The Everlasting Promise


By Maria Jose Corniell

How many times have we compared ourselves to others? Especially in our age of social media, we look at our friends, acquaintances, celebrities, those who influence us—you name it, we see their post on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Snapchat, and we feel left behind. They’re getting engaged, married, some are having their first child, others even their second or third children, some already have earned degrees, others master’s degrees, others are in the process of pursuing a PhD, and some have bought their own homes.

As we see them, we feel left behind. This might lead us to under-appreciate ourselves; we find ourselves in a place where we fail to see our own value and worth, and we might even believe that God isn’t listening to our prayers or isn’t seeing our need. But God tells us, “Stop! Stop comparing yourself with others; my plans for you  are totally different than my plans for those others that you are comparing yourself to.” (Jr 29:11)

And yes, He might have those blessings store for you, but His Timing  is different than ours. (Ec 3:11) And yes, sometimes we scream and kick, and we even argue with God: “Why? Why can’t I…?”  You fill in the blank. But He typically has three answers to our prayers: yes, not yet, and I have something better in mind.

God tells us that we are His masterpiece (Eph 2:10).  He tells us that He has a beautiful journey in store for us, and that the stumbles are all part of that journey; it is to be a journey full of blessings (Is 32:18) if only we trust Him (Ps 112:7). 

St. Catherine of Sienna said, “Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire.” God speaks this reality to you: “You are important, and I protect you (Is 43:1-4). You are beautiful (Song 4:7). You are the apple of my eye (Zech 2:8). I have you engraved in My hand (Is 49:16). My plans will not fail (Dt 31:8). You’re head not tail; atop not behind (Dt 28:13). You are created in My image (Gn 1:27). You are My heiress (Rm 8:17). You are unique (Ps 139:13). You are empowered (Php 4:13).” The list goes on and on, and there isn’t enough space to write all the things and promises that God has for each of us. No matter what trials may come, simply look at Him, and tell him, “I trust in You, my Lord.” That's precisely how faith is built.

You are not your situation, your trials, your job, or that which makes you uncomfortable or causes you sorrow. You are so much more! He has bought you in at a very high price with His Body and Blood, as St Paul said (1 Cor 6:20): You are His daughter.

Have you noticed that God is glorified through littleness? Daniel claimed he was too young. Moses was a stutterer. Abraham was being called to leave behind all his family and land at the age of seventy-five in order to go to the Promised Land. Sara had Isaac at an elderly age. David, the youngest of his house, was not even considered by his father when Samuel went to his house, but God chosen him to be the King of Israel and to defeat Goliath. Judith was a beautiful widow, who liberated Betulia and Israel from the Assyrian army by killing the general. The Blessed Virgin Mary, a young girl, was the chosen mother of our Savior. St. Joseph was a carpenter, and this young, simple man was chosen to be the foster-father of Jesus. St. Peter, the rock on which Jesus built the Church, was an illiterate man.

So take your littleness and trust God. Believe that He will open a path for you. It doesn’t matter if it looks impossible; everything is possible with Him (Rm 8:37). “But in all these things we overcome, because of Him who has loved us” (Phil 4:13). “Everything is possible in him who has strengthened me.” He will once again part the Red Sea of your struggles so that you will be able to walk the path he has set out for you. Keep your eyes fixed on him, who is merciful and is full of blessings. He just wants us to put all our hope, trust, and faith in Him, to believe in Him. If we do so, He will be glorified through us.  

As the psalmist says, rejoice and praise the Lord that has done great things to His people (Ps 126). Trust Him, and set aside anything that would hold you back from that trust. Believe in Him; place your prayers, your hope, and your trust in Almighty God, and He will open His path before you. He will give you the desires of our heart (Ps 37:4). “Delight in the Lord, and He will grant to you the petitions of you heart.” Everything that we do, we do for the Glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever else you may do, do everything for the glory of God.” He is our rock and center of our life. From Abraham to the present day, He has made the impossible possible. With His strength and wisdom, we are able to achieve and accomplish the journey that he has set before us. 

So stop comparing yourself to others: You are His masterpiece! Allow the journey that God has planned for your life to begin. 


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