A Mystical Harmony Embedded in Our Lady of Guadalupe's Image

Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day: December 12th | Reflections in her eyes, accurate constellations on her mantle, and symbolism within every fold…the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is fascinating to behold, and truths embedded deep within her are still being uncovered. For example, not only do the stars on her mantle match the constellations from the night of her apparition, but they match when viewed from above—ie, from God’s perspective looking down from heaven as opposed to looking up! The latest discovery has to do with music.

Recently, Fernando Ojeda, a mathematical accountant, discovered something groundbreaking. He shared, “Previous studies made to the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, I reasoned the following: if the stars of the mantle are the constellations of the sky at the time of its impregnation, the dress represents proportionally the main hills and volcanoes of the orography of Mexico, if the whole image keeps the golden ratio, then it has perfect symmetry, therefore it has music,” Fernando Ojeda said. 

(As the world’s shortest summary: if something in nature has the golden ratio, it can be played musically!)

Noticing this symmetry in the stars and flowers on Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fernando Ojeda loaded the notes into a music computer program and obtained a perfect harmony melody. Oh if heaven could sing, this is what it’s celestial choirs would radiate! Listen to this mystical melody here!


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