Navigating Your Wedding Night

By Carolyn Ferguson

Are you getting married this Fall or winter? Did you just get engaged and set a date for 2023? Now is the perfect time to invest in your entire engagement process by walking through Navigating Engagement! 

Many of you all know I got married this past June. It’s been wild starting theYCW in my early twenties and walking with you throughout the ups and downs of dating in the decade that followed. I’m so grateful I came across Emily Wilson’s Navigating Engagement Course just a few months before tying the knot. One of the course’s chapters that continues to stick with me has been the section on sex. 

My husband and I entered into not just our marriage but our relationship with sexual wounds from the past. I almost even hesitate to say “wounds” or use that word “baggage,” but I remember struggling a lot both early on in our relationship and when our wedding was just a few weeks away. In the Navigating Engagement course, Emily helped me ask the hard questions, because those hard questions don’t end prior to getting engaged. As she even says delicately, we need to also realize some engagements don’t end in marriage. Meaning, you don’t get engaged and live happily ever after. There’s still a lot of work to be done!

But with her help, I was able to ask my husband and also myself if there was any final thing I was holding back. Anything I was scared to ask, admit, or share. And we did. We talked about how nervous we both were when it came to sex, and with Emily’s practical advice, what we could do about it.  

With her husband Daniel, they shared their own stories that range from the practical: “Consider taking a shower together after the wedding to just relax and not have the pressure to hop right into bed,” to insightful advice like seeing the sacramental nature of sex within marriage, despite having it outside of it. 

Today, you can use code PEACE10 for 10% off the course, either for yourself or for your friend! I’m thirty and it was probably just as helpful as it would be for a fresh college graduate getting ready to marry too. Code expires August 23rd!


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