A Prayer For Your Future Spouse


Even though we love St. Anthony’s Be Satisfied With Me Prayer (so much so we made it a print), we recently came across this one written by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and we done got smitten real fast, real hard. Blessed Frédéric is the co-founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and, well, this prayer worked because soon he met and married Amélie Soulacroix. This prayer was written for young single men who are discerning the Lord’s will, but we think it’s easily applicable for young women as well:

O Lord,

I feel in myself a great emptiness, which neither friendship nor study fill. I do not know who will come to fill it: will it be God? Will it be another creature? If it is a creature, I pray that it will take some time in coming, when I have become worthy.

I pray that it will bring with it the necessary external charms so as not to leave any room for regret. But I especially pray that this creature, she, will come with an excellent soul, will bring great virtue, and will be much better than I am, that she draw me upward, that she not drag me down, that she be generous because I am often timid, that she be fervent because I am lukewarm in the things of God, and, finally, that she be compassionate so that I, in my inferiority, may not have to blush before her.

Do not forsake me, Lord. Grant that I may be loved. You know it is not only sweetness that I seek in Love; it is the contempt for all baseness, it is the strength to fight for the Good, for the True.



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A Bouquet of Sacrifices