He is Our Eternity

By Taylor Willis 

“God has made everything appropriate to its time, but has put the timeless into their hearts so they cannot find out, from beginning to end, the work which God has done” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

In its beauty and mystery, the term “eternity” tends to baffle us. It’s hard to wrap our minds around the vast meaning of forever. Sometimes, while we’re walking through the joys and sufferings that mark our time on earth, it’s hard to keep eternity in mind. 

The Lord hid eternity in your heart, sister! Only He can satisfy the deep longings in your heart. In creating your life, He infused it with mystery, with timelessness, with a desire for unity with Him.

If you are feeling lost or confused at this point in your life, allow this idea to settle in your heart: Your journey was crafted by the Highest. The Lord’s shoulder is the one you have forever. Let Him lead you. Immerse yourself in His eternal love for you as you go about your day. Remind yourself, “He is with me now and forever.” The Lord truly is there for you. 

It’s striking to consider that Jesus wants to have a relationship with you not just for today but for the rest of your time here on earth and in Heaven. C.S. Lewis says “the Present is the point at which time touches eternity.” It is of this moment––this moment right here, right now––that the Psalmist talks about when he says, “My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. God alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress; I shall never fall” (Psalm 62:2). 

As you meditate on the mystery of eternity and its very real presence in your everyday life, allow the Lord to draw near. Jesus wants a relationship with you and He wants you to come to Him with your difficulties as well as your joys. I’ve found it useful to picture the Lord wherever you are praying and to allow him room to enter your life more deeply. Though there is so much we cannot understand about even our own lives, meditation on the eternal calls us to that child-like dependency on the One who knows all things. 

By making a home in your heart for Jesus, you are opening a doorway to making the Eternal ever-present in your life. It is in the time spent with Him that we recognize that He is the only one who can fill the void we carry in our hearts. Embed His word in your precious heart and allow Him to do the rest. For nothing can separate us from His love (see Rom. 8:35). 


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