Litany of the Emmanuel

When we walk in darkness, shine Your light and bring us great rejoicing; 

smash the yoke that burdens us, God-Hero, Prince of Peace!

In gloom, Dispersion of the Shadows. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us.

In uncertainty, Certain Way of Truth. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In fear, Perfect Love’s Own Freedom.

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In grief, Consoler Beyond Hoping. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In suffering, Compassionate Redeemer. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In doubt, Perfecter of Our Faith. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In dryness, Dayspring Most Refreshing. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In sin, Advocate of Mercy. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In loneliness, Sacramental Presence.
Emmanuel, God-with-us

In loss, Giver of Sweet Wisdom.
Emmanuel, God-with-us

In weakness, Strength and Cornerstone. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In trials, Lion of Judah’s Tribe. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

In temptation, Conqueror and Shield.
Emmanuel, God-with-us

In death, Risen Lamb Once Slain. 

Emmanuel, God-with-us

Closing Prayer: 

You’re the Child born to us,

the Son given us,

the Word Made Flesh who dwells with us.

Your dominion is vast and forever peaceful.

You sustain; You reign,

by judgement and justice, 

both now and forever.



He is Our Eternity


When Prayer Doesn't Seem to Work, Keep Praying