How Devotion to the Holy Angels Has Revitalized My Spiritual Life

By Katie Zachok,

Angels are a topic in the Catholic world that are all too often misconstrued or forgotten. As children, we are taught to say the Guardian Angel prayer, but the reality behind the words escapes us as we grow. Secular culture portrays angels in an almost fairy-like way, glowing and showering sparkly blessings on God’s children. However, not only is it important to learn about the reality of the angels, it is also vital for each Catholic to know and have a relationship with them.

There are so many things to expand on in learning about these fellow creatures of God. Since it is such a vast subject, try exploring resources like this one to get started. For just as there is a world that we can observe and experience through our five senses, God has also created an unseen reality that is no less real. St. Thomas Aquinas once remarked that “To pretend that angels do not exist because they are invisible is to believe we never sleep because we don’t see ourselves sleeping.” Therefore, like us, angels are created beings (although with a vastly different nature), and are truly present and active in our lives. The record of angelic activity is not limited to the Scriptures, either. Modern saints like St. John Bosco, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Faustina, St. Padre Pio, and the Fatima children all were privileged to see angels and observe what they do for us in every moment of our lives.

Most of us, though, have to walk a path of believing without seeing. It can be difficult to wrap one’s mind around cultivating a relationship with pure spirits who are physically present with us, yet remain unseen to the eye. I have always had a love and fascination for the Holy Angels, but have fallen into the trap to which we are all susceptible: ignoring them. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Yet, as I have labored to understand them better and to imitate their holiness, I have found their help to be indispensable to my interior life. Here are a few ways in which devotion to the Holy Angels has helped me become closer to God.

It has drawn me closer to Our Lady and St. Joseph

The life of the Holy Family is tightly interwoven with the messages and actions of angels. Mary’s fiat, Joseph’s dreams, the night of Christ’s birth, the rejoicing of the shepherds, and the travels of the Magi are all punctuated with the words of the angels. If there is one thing that I’ve learned about this devotion, it is that friendship with the angels, who seem so silent to us on this side of heaven, is deeply rooted in communication. Every time an angel appears in the Bible, it is to communicate something to God’s children. 

Angels invite, warn, proclaim, rejoice, and sing. If we want to know them better, we need to start addressing them, to look past their invisibility and talk to them. They are quite literally waiting for us to do so, to shower God’s graces on us the moment we ask for them. Their mission and their joy is to point us home. Our Lady is their queen and St. Joseph is their great patriarch. We can ask for angelic help in deepening our relationship with Jesus’s parents, and they are more than happy to give it. Next time you need a rosary buddy, look no further than your shoulder.

It has made me a better teacher

As a teacher of third graders, I have been assigned the task of caring for little souls and leading them to Jesus, whether that is through a catechism lesson or through my day-to-day behavior. I frequently call to mind Christ’s words in Matt. 18:10: “‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of My heavenly Father.’” I ask the guardian angels of all my students to help and assist me in giving to each child what he or she needs, to have patience, to help me settle disputes fairly, and to provide them with clear answers. I ask my own guardian angel for his support, for patience, and for strength to make the sacrifices that my vocation requires. I’ve come to notice that the tenor of the classroom is different on the days I forget to ask for those graces.

It has improved my relationships

As far as others are concerned, I try to remember that every time I interact with another person, I am also faced with that person’s guardian angel. My own angel is at my side, helping to direct my actions. The thought of an angelic presence is an amazing help in keeping my temper, using kind language, avoiding gossip, and in being a gracious listener. The person who cuts you off, your boss who might be in a testy mood, your cranky teenager, or a grumpy cashier all are accompanied by an angel of God’s heavenly hosts. That may not make the interaction easier, but it provides us with an opportunity to take a look at the different ways we could behave and to ask for strength to do the right thing. “If only we could see the joy of our Guardian Angel when he sees us fighting our temptations!” –St. Jean Vianney

It has been a balm for loneliness

It can feel intimidating at first to think of how you are always observed by your guardian angel, as well as the myriad of other angels we pass each day. This misinformed idea can be dissipated by the thought that your guardian angel loves you more than all your family members put together! They are over-eager to help us, to bring us to God, Who is the source of all love. Perhaps you are on the receiving end of an unkind remark, just received bad news, suffering heartache, or are merely wondering if you’ll ever catch a break this week. At the end of a good or bad day, your angel is there to rejoice with you or cry with you. “For whomever is alone, there is his guardian angel.” –St. Padre Pio

It has helped me participate more deeply in Holy Mass.

Did you know that in every Mass, at the “Holy, Holy, Holy,” the entirety of God’s angels are present to witness His sacrifice at the altar? That means billions of angels, more than the human mind can fathom, are present with us in the church, flocking around the altar to adore Him. The thought of this reality has helped me to participate during Mass in a way that was always somewhat difficult before. I ask my guardian angel at every Mass to help me adore Jesus like he does, to worship Him with the gift of my full attention. When I do so, I find that I can maintain that focus with more ease than if I had tried it on my own.

It has revitalized my time in Adoration

Angels belong to Christ first, they do not belong to us. The primary function of angels is to worship. They are meant to adore God, and that makes them experts on how to conduct a holy hour. In visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I try to bring to mind the image of my guardian angel kneeling beside me, his entire being completely on God. Oftentimes, when the words aren’t coming to mind, or I’m so tired or distracted I can’t form a prayer, I’ll ask my angel to take over. I also recall St. Michael during my holy hours, as one of his special titles is “Guardian of the Blessed Sacrament.” It is piously believed that he was Our Lord’s guardian angel on earth, and so it only makes sense that he is present in every church standing watch before the tabernacle. Our angels want so much to be of help to us, and they can if we ask them and give them permission to guide us without hindrance from our own stubbornness!

It has deepened my gratitude and wonder in Holy Communion

St. Faustina once said, “If the angels were capable of envy, they would envy us for two things; one is the receiving of Holy Communion, and the other is suffering.” Angels are vastly purer than we are. They have a superior intellect, incredibly clear minds, and are like individual flames of love that burn before God’s throne. Yet, God decreed that we, human beings, should be the recipients of His greatest gift: Himself, in Holy Communion. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we become living tabernacles, and our angels adore Jesus as He resides within us. Such an unfathomable honor is beyond our comprehension, but the conduct of the angels can help us have a deeper love and gratitude for Jesus in the Eucharist. How they must burst with joy when we worship God in unison with them!

Angels may seem far off and distant, present only to the mystics and visionaries of the Church, but the truth is that they are much closer to us than we realize. Not only that, they desire intimate friendship with us! No matter what spiritual season you may find yourself in right now, begin to set aside some time to build a relationship with these spirits who are so silent, full of love, and eager to help us––and who are never further than a breath away.


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