Seeking The Most High On Your Daily Commute

By Taylor Willis

We all have busy schedules and places to be throughout our day; whether it be to work, class, or an appointment. But do you ever experience that one brief and quiet moment? The moment that may not come often, but you feel at ease and in a balanced state? Maybe you have sensed it on that 30-minute train ride to work or on a quick car ride to the doctors office. 

We have the power to capture and transform these moments of solitude in our routines to shape who we are as people, little by little, every day. If we look to meditate on God’s word during these tranquil times, our active times will feel much more bearable and a little more enjoyable. These restful times have the ability to fortify your thoughts and will allow you to sense the armor of God encasing your skin. 

I used to question “How could I be fit for something so perfect?” The thought would baffle me on how something so righteous could love me in a way our human minds could not comprehend. I used to think I was just another individual living on this earth in unavoidable sin and not worthy of something so mighty. We as people are taught that we must earn what we want in life.

On the topic of God, that does not apply here in the sense that we are already loved by Him no matter what we do. Just by being our authentic self, for example, in the eyes of the Lord negates the thought that we must earn his love. He already loves you, sister, no matter what. We have the freedom to choose Him every day. I learned that if you make time for the Lord, you will realize that He wants a relationship with you and for you to feel His love that he has to offer. 

I began inviting God’s presence on my daily morning commute into New York City. I can fully vouch that practicing this has restored my soul. It renewed me in a way that will always get me back on my two feet, no matter how I am feeling that day or week. I am able to close my eyes and use the quiet I’ve been blessed with in that moment and allow the gentle voice of God to melt into my soul. Even just sitting in God’s presence is enough for me to feel fulfilled. 

No matter when that quiet time arises in your day, fill your headspace with thoughts of God. It will work wonders. We do have the ability to transform these brief but peaceful moments of solitude in our routines to shape who we are as people, little by little, every day.

“In the morning let me hear of your mercy, for in you I trust. Show me the path I should walk, for I entrust my life to you.”- Psalm 143:8


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