Using Art & Design to Create a Space for Prayer


By Katie Zachok

But when you pray, go to your inner room, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”—Matthew 6:6

The words of the Gospels have deep layers that are not as readily apparent as what appears on the page. This poignant quote from Matthew’s Gospel is usually interpreted as a reminder that prayer is often a private and hidden thing. At any point in our day, we can turn inwardly to the chamber of our hearts and tell God everything. We can converse with Him anytime, anywhere! However, this quote can also take on a very literal meaning, which is no less beneficial to our souls.

The bedroom is an intimate and private space. From our earliest years, it is in our bedrooms where we are nurtured, gain rest, pour out our tears, write down our secret hopes and desires, and dream. It is only right, then, that we decorate a place of such formation so that it inspires us to achieve those aspirations and encourages us to rest from our daily burdens. But what if we added another element, a sort of 3rd dimension, to the way we decorate our rooms beyond the design tips found in Magnolia Magazine?

I discovered a method of creating such a space, when I entered upon what became the month-long saga of repainting my room…for the first time since 2012! There has been a lot of growth and change in both myself and in my relationship with God since then, so I wanted my private space to reflect that. 

During the bizarre age of a global pandemic, the house can feel a lot smaller than it normally does. The bedroom, the literal inner chamber of which Matthew speaks, has become more vital than ever––not only to give rest amidst the chaos of life, but to foster that quiet silence with Christ that is essential to the spiritual life. 

If you are looking to revamp your space, but also have a craving for deeper intimacy with God, below are some tips and resources that helped me discover what artwork and design elements would work for this season of my life.

Pray about it

If there was only one tip I could offer you, it would be this one. St. Teresa of Avila once said, “Mental prayer is, as I see it, simply a friendly intercourse and frequent solitary conversation with Him, who, as we know, loves us.” God loves you beyond your comprehension and always wants to draw you closer to Himself. Why not talk to Him about your interior decorating plans? Keep your heart and mind open to what He might be whispering to you. Pay attention to different ideas that come across your path, as well as the things that interest you, and ask Him to help you choose! He truly does want to be involved in all the little details of our lives. My own room took a month to finish, due to some unforeseen hiccups, and while I was personally frustrated, I saw the beauty of this strange gift He gave me. He gave me more time to talk to Him about what our space would look like. After all, that’s where our best conversations happen!

Find art that convicts you

This concept blew my mind as I listened to The Poco a Poco Podcast, hosted by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. In Episode 27, one of the priests discusses an icon of Our Lady that was given to him at his ordination, saying that he prays with it every morning. Every morning! There are layers to art that inspires you, especially if you use it during your daily prayer. 

You could have the most beautiful image of Our Lady hanging on the wall, but if it doesn’t draw you toward prayer, create love within you, give you peace, or inspire virtue, then it’s merely gathering dust. 

This was an incredibly fun step for me, but it takes patience! There’s a lot of beautiful art out there, but if you’re not careful you can end up buying a lot of images that your eyes will simply glaze over within a month. Relish the slowness of the process! I ordered a beautiful print of Our Lady, Star of the Sea. The colors and design are more muted and plain, but I find that it helps me to focus on the truths that the art displays. I have always loved the ocean and the prayer of St. Bernard, “Look up to the Star! Call upon Mary!” This image reminds me that she is who I reach for every time I need help or encouragement, calming me amidst the waves of life.

Be mindful of your season of life

Take a look at where you are in your life right now. Are you single, married, or religious? What kind of work do you do? What does your spiritual life look like? What devotions are feeding your soul? Who are your heavenly heroes? These are deep and moving questions, and it can take time to sift through all the answers. Once you do, it can help inform more design decisions. 

For the longest time, I had displayed a beautiful picture of Christ with the little children. It’s a gorgeous image and I have no desire to pass it on, but it’s not serving me in my season of life right now. I packed it away with the earnest hope that when I see it again, it will be because I hang it in the nursery of my own child someday. Instead, I have hung an arresting image of St. Joan of Arc on my wall. I work in a busy and vibrant school and often pass by a painting of her. Over the past few months, seeing it gave me an odd rise of courage and had me paused long enough to take a deep breath. Now, St. Joan guards the entryway to my room, giving me the same courage and pause at home, where I begin and end my day. 

Show off your interests

While I personally believe that religious art is a staple in any space of prayer, one’s bedroom shouldn’t give off the vibes of a cathedral. Don’t be afraid to show off your hobbies and interests! If you like music, hang your guitar on the wall or make space for your keyboard or old record player. Are plants and flowers your thing? Decorate with some houseplants or vintage botanical prints. I am a diehard bibliophile, so my room sports a bulging bookcase, a nightstand with even more books, and a sign over my closet that reads “Spare Oom,” which is my little nod to The Chronicles of Narnia. A family photo sits on my dresser, my grandmother’s hand-carved wooden jewelry box is filled with family letters and words of love, and my sheepskin rug from Ireland warms the floor. Add all the little personal touches you want!

Don’t forget your physical needs

When we want to grow closer to God, it can be so tempting to throw all physical concerns to the winds; but we are a composite of body and soul, and prayer comes more easily when we are taking care of ourselves. Add elements to your room that give rest to your five senses. Light a candle. Invest in flannel sheets in the winter and cotton in the summer. Buy light-blocking curtains if you need to. If your pillow has seen better days, maybe it’s time to help out your neck and back by getting a new one. Pick a wall color, scents, and patterns that will either relax you or energize you in a calm way. I chose a super soft blue for my walls, strung twinkle lights everywhere for Christmas, and invested in a pink salt lamp for a calm glow on long winter nights. I have some relaxing lotion at the ready, comfy pajamas, and a nightstand filled with journals and options for spiritual reading. 

There are no hard and fast rules for creating a prayer space or for decorating a bedroom. I can honestly say that it is well worth it when you can combine those two spaces. When you go into your room, shut the door, and speak with Him in private, it means that in that moment you are intentionally choosing to give a portion of your day to Him! When that room is a sanctuary for your heart, your heart is better disposed to be a sanctuary for His. God will bring special graces out of those times that you and He spend together. And don’t you owe it to yourself to have the extra privacy to discuss things with God, amidst beautiful images, in a space for your soul and body to rest? You do––and He wants it for you too, His dear one. 


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